PRIDE Expectations
Boulder Creek High School continually strives to improve our campus environment by promoting positive relationships between students, parents, and staff. We will continue implementing PBIS—Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports. PBIS is a research-based approach to preventing student behavior problems. This behavioral system consists of clear communication of behavioral expectations, procedures to reinforce behaviors, responses to misbehaviors, and data-based decision-making.
PBIS has been shown to save instructional time, improve school climate, increase safety, and improve community satisfaction.
Jaguar PRIDE will be defined by the following tenets:
Prepared- Be prepared in everything you do
Respectful - Respect all things/people around you
Integrity - Do things with integrity and intention
Discipline - Be disciplined in your actions
Everyone united.
The behavioral expectations will be posted and reviewed with students throughout the year.
The BCHS PBIS—PRIDE matrix defines appropriate behavior for different campus locations. This resource will be used when teaching student expectations.
PBIS – Positive Behavior Intervention System: Be Classy Cards
Boulder Creek High School students will have a monthly behavioral school goal they are focusing on. When students follow this goal or go above and beyond everyday PRIDE expectations, teachers will hand a student a “Be Classy” card. The student will write their name, ID #, and date on the card. Cards will be placed in a tub in the student lobby of the administration building. Monthly drawings will take place where a student can win Front Row parking spots for the month, a free athletic pass, a free yearbook, Homecoming/Prom passes, front-of-the-line lunch passes, gift cards, etc.