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Boulder Creek High School

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Boulder Creek High School
Home of the Jaguars!

Polderman, Alexandra


Mrs. Alexandra Polderman

Special Education Teacher: Probability & Statistics, College Algebra, and Financial Math; Academic Lab

Phone Number: 623.445.8788

Classroom:  403, 336, 515

Canvas Link


Degrees & Certifications: 

About the Teacher:

I have been a teacher in the Deer Valley Unified School District since 2007 and have co-taught all levels of high school English and several levels of Math as well: Algebra 1-2, Geometry 1-2, Probability and Statistics, Financial Math, and College Algebra.  I have a Master's degree in Education with a focus in Special Education from the University of Phoenix.  I have a Bachelor's in Business degree from the University of Hawaii.  I have 24 years of teaching experience and started my teaching career on the North Shore of Oahu, Hawaii in 2000; this upcoming year will be my 18th year at Boulder Creek High School where I have had the wonderful opportunity to co-teach with several content teachers in an inclusive classroom setting. 

This year, I am teaching Probability and Statistics and Financial Math with Mr. Miller; I am teaching College Algebra with Ms. Leovic.  Course materials can be accessed through Canvas at

Grades will be updated regularly and posted to PowerSchools at

I'm looking forward to a successful school year!  If you have any questions or concerns, please let me know.  The easiest way to reach me is via my school email address.