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Boulder Creek High School

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Boulder Creek High School
Home of the Jaguars!

Newton, Jennifer

Mrs. Jennifer Newton

Government & US History Teacher; NHS Co-Sponsor

Phone Number: 623.445.8774

Classroom:  532

Canvas Link Government

Canvas Link US History


Degrees & Certifications: 

About the Teacher:

This is my 10th year teaching in the Deere Valley Unified School District.  I have been teaching for 25 years in total.  I grew up in Phoenix and went to Apollo High School. I went to NAU for my  Degree in History/Social Studies Education, I completed my Master's in Educational Leadership and Administration from GCU in 2007.  I have been teaching DVUSD Pathways since 2019,  I currently teach at Boulder Creek High School where I have been here for 10 years. I teach Government and U.S History. In my spear time I watch TV dramas, read, watch NASCAR. I also spend time with my husband who I have been married to for 21 years and my 20-year-old daughter Jordynn and our 3 dogs.