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Boulder Creek High School

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Boulder Creek High School
Home of the Jaguars!

Bowles, Brett



Mr. Brett Bowles

Health Teacher

Phone Number: 623.445.8810

Classroom:  823

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Degrees & Certifications: BA in Communications; Masters in Education

About the Teacher:

My name is Brett Bowles, I was born and raised in Phoenix, AZ and attended Thunderbird High School. I have a 8 year old daughter that will be starting 3rd grade in this district as well. We enjoy summers in California, Hurricane Harbor, Agave Library, and summer movies at Harkins. 

In my spare time, I enjoy reading, traveling, and playing basketball. In addition, I have coached basektball for ten years, Freshman and JV girls @ Sandra Day O'Connor High School.Also, I was the varsity head girls basketball coach @ Barry Goldwater High School for 3 years. I am extremely passionate about coaching, which is what led me to a career in teaching. 

I graduated from the University of Arizona in 2003 with a degree in communications, from there I went on to work for my family's construction company for 14 years. After coaching basketball for several years, it became very apparent that I was ready for a career change. This past spring I received my Masters of Education from Grand Canyon University and began my adventure in teaching this fall, here at Boulder Creek. I am starting my 7th year in teaching and looking forward to new and exciting adventures. 

I love teaching health because it is so applicable to the everyday lives of my students. We are able to cover so many interesting topics and students can make important lifestyle changes based upon the knowledge they gain in my class.

The First Wealth is Health
